Saturday, February 22


Uuuuugh... feeling dehydrated at this awfully and surprisingly hot afternoon... Water... water... I am so dried out... Can't even get anything done... Oh, man! So tired and lazy... aaahh... What a sore...

Hmmm... I wonder how cats would survive in this cruel weather... Lets see... hmmm...
Cute cats would probably just end up like this...

"Can't type anymore....feeling sleepy already..."

"You there. Yeah you.  No, you. Yeah, you.  No, the guy next to you. Yes. Hand me some water. Go."

"Oh yeah... let me please just sleep for a while, okay?
Aaah... Assignments... -_-'

"I am a despicable cat... huuuu :( "

 And some cats which think he's cool would go like this...
Waaah! ... I wish I could do that... just simply throw myself into the swimming pool they have downstairs... Buuuut, I think I'm feeling a bit refreshing now after I had some lovely sweet orange juice... ahehehe... n.n

Anyhow, I'm still looking for a chance to go and have fun in the swimming pool... ^_^

Friday, February 21


Good morning, everyooooone :D

Yeah... here I am at 4:40 am in the morning, blogging for all of ya... Woke up at 3:30 am actually... I happened to sleep so early yesterday and missed my dinner... Had some breakfast at 4:00 am in the morning? I mean who does that?... Gosh...

Thinking what to do today

This is Maher Zain, one of my favourite singer. Haven't been following him for quite a while now, eeeh -_- 
 Waaah... Would you just look how healthy and refreshing he is nowadays for that particular morning...

" In few minutes I'll be live on Morocco radio..."

Aaand... we have loads of assignments to think about... and have to get it done soon... TT.TT ... Hope I go through well into all of these...
Hope that's not me :/

Okay... Think smart now... Yosh!

Tuesday, February 18

Here It Is

Well... as you all know I have 3 cats... They are all at my Grandma's place at the moment... haaa...

Hope they're doing well and eating well... I know I'm not... uuugh... (- _ -)... I lost appetite easily, had stomachache this today's afternoon, feel like throwing up, don't know what to eat after this, or should I even eat for dinner?...

I felt so awfully fulled after lunch today... but now feeling so sleepy... and I feel empty in the stomach that I don't even have the energy to prepare the food... aaah... someone please feed me (^ 3 ^)

Oka-san would have told me to make a hot drink for myself and have some biscuits / bread... while Oto-san would have scolded me by now... telling me to eat more... Haaa... Just how much I missed that... (Oh, and if by any chance that Oto-san is reading this post, it could cause me trouble by now actually... so... Sorry, Oto-san :) I'll do my best to eat well in the future... don't worry <3... huhuhu)

Well... Oto-san actually sent me some random picture of a cat today... so random... It's a random street cat by the parking lot...  : / ... If I'm not mistaken... it's in an area near the supermarket that we usually go for grocery shopping...

so random, right?
But it looks quite clean and cute for a street cat, don't you think?... And yeah... I just noticed, it actually poses for the camera... hahaha...

Anyway, my point for this post is to show-off to you all how pretty cute my real cats are(as promised)
This is Stache

Zoro(left) and Lucky(right) 
Fat Stache... hahaha... XD
Lucky, Zoro, Stache

yeah, that's right , Stache... Keep lazying around -_-

See their difference?

Stache: "Zoro, hurry! And... pose!"

Don't know why my brother took so much pictures of Stache...
Hahaha... Stache selfie time! :)
"How bout this? Is this good?"

"Let me try this pose"

O... kay... Now let me make some mushroom shoop(soup) for dinner... So see ya...

Saturday, February 15

My Most Favourite (funny) Cat Video

Yesss... finally found the video I wanted to upload after a long time ago I just couldn't find it...

Thanks to this weird funny guy... I went to his kiddy COOL blog and got this...

Anyway... thanks, man xD ....

When I first saw this video... I thought "Whaaat? Cats could never miscalculate... And cats should always lands on its feet, right?"... but in a way it's very amusing...

The music makes it more alive and it also reminds me of action movies like Inception , or Iron Man...

Observing Maru

Maru means 'round' in Japanese... This lovely little cat is called Maru... Why? Who wants to get to know more about Maru?... Lets watch this together then...

Now that you have watched this sweet video, what can you tell us about Maru? Feel free to write a comment below... :)

Friday, February 14

About My Cats

Okay... Let me tell you guys a little bit about my cats...

As I mention before in one of my previous post named 'Cats in My Life' that I owned 5 cats, and about me with cats... well, here I'm going to talk about those 5 cats...

Several months ago, we have 5 cats (a mother and 4 newly born kittens) which my brother took them home and have them as our pets... They were originally have been found around my brother's campus... and the mother actually gave birth in front of my brother's friend's door step (^_^) ... so yeah... he had to do the cleaning... heeheehee...

Then, my brother immediately decided to take them in to our house, since they were not allowed to have pets there...

I'm very happy, but in the same time I couldn't take it... I couldn't handle cats in the house or even in my life... as I have always been frightened to cats... (>_<,)

So yeah... this is my confession; I never touched those 5 cats... ever... no matter how cute they are...

Notice they are black and white in colour... but one of the kittens is a bit 'special' as he is grey in colour... so yeah...

Their names that me and my siblings picked are very interesting... They are named after their appearance... We have:

  • Lucky (white)
  • Stache (black n white fur with 'moustache')
  • Zoro (black n white fur with 'black mask' on his face)
  • and Zorg (grey)... the 'special' one...

We didn't really name the mother cause we just call her 'The Mother'... We did try to give 'Moon' as her name, as she has really huge and luminous black eyes... Buuut, no... we didn't... don't know why... heehee...

The kittens got quite fat really fast, especially Stache and Lucky...
Stache likes to eat raw squids and growl whenever someone comes close to his 'eating area'

The kittens are playful and they run like the same way horses do... The two back feet are jumping instead of running... or something like that...

Unfortunately, 'The Mother' died caused of tiredness I guess... She barely moved around after giving birth and onwards... She was awfully thin... so yeah...
My youngest sister and I were the first ones to witness her death... but we didn't notice/not sure that she was dead at that moment... so we just left her there lying (while her eyes are opened)...
Then a few hours later... my other younger sister was the one to announce her death...

Few months after that... Zorg died as well... Caused of death : Hunger - perhaps lost of appetite...

Well... here they are now... 3 being left behind by those two...

Super Cats

Here are some amazing cats...

Wednesday, February 12

This Is What Cats Would Really Hate

See this amazingly funny short video...

Would this make cats and mice be 'forever enemies'?

(nice background music though... ^^)

Monday, February 10

Your Nyan Cat Challenge

This fella over here is called 'Nyan Cat'

So... are you guys ready for the challenge?


Try to challenge yourself by listening to this 3 min 'nyan cat' video...

If you survived... then that's great... Now try this one here...

And that's all... thank you... hahaha (evil laugh)...

Cats in Hats

 mutated eyes... waaah ^-^



 I see... so that's Mario and Luigi

and Doraemon <3